Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sailing the High Seas - Part One

I'm going to try this one more time. My writing has mysteriously disappeared off of this post THREE TIMES now.

For a week in August, daughter went sailing with Mom & Stepdan. She had an absolutely lovely time and is already trying to weasel her way into another invitation.

Daughter tying a hitch onto a cleat or some such nautical nonsense. She can be HELPFUL! Who knew? (Unfortunately it only happens for her grandparents. Sigh.)

This is Mom & Stepdan's boat. It is a 35' Catalina. (I think) I hear it's pretty comfortable for a tiny cave floating on water. I puke if I take a bath so a week on a sailboat is the definition of hell as far as I'm concerned but daughter NEVER gets seasick (or carsick, airsick, trainsick...) so she just loved it.

Boaters are very nice, friendly people. When they're alive.

Daughter only got crabby once, this is the photographic evidence.

Since Stepdan takes eleventy-million pictures when he is on the water, AND since he's a good photographer so there are a lot of really cool pictures, AND since blogger gets cranky when I try to post more than three or four pics in one post, AND since I'm leaving for Chelan today (for the whole weekend, with NO KIDS!!), this is the first in a series of photo-laden posts.

To be continued...
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Shelly... said...

Very fun! And it is amazing how helpful the kids can be when they aren't around their parents!
Looking forward to more pictures.

MOM #1 said...

Wow! Those are beautiful photos. I'm deathly afraid of big water, so only wading at the beach for me. ;-)