Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Question for other Parents of Teenagers

How do you convince them that actually TURNING IN an assignment they have COMPLETED is probably a good idea and that letting it rot in their backpack instead of getting credit for it is not the best way to succeed in school?

And you wonder why I drink...


Jason, as himself said...

There is no answer to this. In my experience, either your teen gets this concept, or they don't, and there is nothing you can do to change that. Sorry, Katy.

I just saw your tweet, oh look, it's wine thirty. Love that.

Yo said...

Omg. This KILLS me. Why the low grade? Not turning in assignments?? After all the blood and sweat and tears that IIIII put into it???

It's like they're embarassed to turn it in. I hope summer school is cool.


ChiTown Girl said...

Girl, I have been dealing with this nearly every single school day for the past 10 years!!!!!! ARGH! If you can find the answer, you will be a bajillionaire!

Terri said...

My son graduates in 2 months and HE still doesn't do it... college should be fun.

Nana said...

My step-son did the same thing in high school. Now he's a grad student in math. You never know...