Monday, May 10, 2010

Most Marvelous Mother's Day

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day! First Daughter got up cheerfully at 7am to take care of our new additions (five goats, I'll introduce them in a few days), then husband and the Things brought me breakfast in bed. They cleaned up the kitchen and then headed outside to do yardwork! Daughter and I did some shopping and then came home, I read for school, and visited with BFF Cousin for awhile.

THEN My Mom, Stepdan, Awesome Sister-in-law and the two most adorable nieces ever came over for dinner! Here is Thing 1 playing on the trampoline with them. Little niece has two dimples, Big niece is missing her two front teeth and they both charm the socks off their big cousins!

Thing 2 even let them play with his most awesome pirate Legos and didn't freak out when they broke apart some of the components. Now THAT is love!

Here are all five of the grandkids with Awesome Sister in Law.

And the proud Grandparents enjoying their grandkids. Smore's are a regular thing around here.

And here is Thing 1, Little niece and I swinging away.

It was the most perfect day, full of sunshine, laughing, kisses, cuddles and family. I couldn't have asked for a better time.


ChiTown Girl said...

Sounds like a blissfully wonderful day!!

Nana said...

It was an awesome day!