The annual back-to-school germfest has returned! Thing 1 is home today with a fever, cough and sore throat. Guess what the symptoms of swine flu (as well as regular flu) are? You got it, fever, cough and sore throat.
To protect the rest of the family, especially Grandmother who is older than dirt, we have put Thing 1 into quarantine. Here is a visual aid to illustrate the current state of our home...

Swine flu paranoia, we haz it!
KIDS ARE GERMY!!! nephew took me and mel down with him. "only" a nasty cold. no flu (fingers crossed fingers crossed) yet. i got a regular flu shot, so i'll be able to keep everyone alive when they get sick.
wash your hands!! purell yourself!!
A coincidence that Thing is a piglit? ha ha ha!
I hope Thing One feels better soon and that none of y'all get it that yucky flu. Swine or otherwise.
I love the visual. It's hilarious!
I like the visual... I may borrow it if one of us starts to feel poorly.
Hope the decontamination methods work.
This reenactment is very impressive. I think I will copy this idea to illustrate the next big family fight. That will be fun!
I hope you've been doing well otherwise....
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