Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Don't Speak French But...

I'm pretty sure that this is a contraption for watching porn at work or a public library.

What will the French think of next?

(Oops, forgot to tell y'all where I found it originally.  Check out Cribcandy, it's my absolute favorite porn site because they've got really cool normal home decor porn as well as weird shit like this.  And the uterus vase which I'm still hoping someone will buy me for a gift.)


  1. How in the hell did you happen upon that!? Too funny!

  2. I am in love with that vase. A couple of red tulips in it would be perfection.

  3. hahahaa!! where do you find this stuff?? are you going to tell everyone about your linky popularity?

  4. OMG! I'll just die if Mom #2 doesn't get me that vase for Mother's Day. It's a MUST HAVE gift.

  5. That is a riot, but looks a little warm...
