Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is What Ninety-Three Looks Like

No fabulous pictures since Grandmother does NOT LIKE having her picture taken.  At all.  And she's pretty obnoxious about not even pretending to cooperate any more.  It's like trying to photograph a recalcitrant toddler.

She had a very nice birthday.  Uncle Computer Pro surprised her by taking her out to lunch, all her grandchildren and her Number 2 son called, her Great-Grandchildren made her cards and pictures (here are things 1 & 2 giving her love and backrubs), Husband brought home flowers for her and I made meat & potatoes for dinner with cake and ice cream for dessert.  She was happier than I've seen her in a long time and is excited to have a lovely lunch on Sunday at Aunt Wonderful and Uncle Computer Pro's house with the rest of the in-town family and friends.

Next year she doesn't get dinner until she agrees to pose for a picture.


  1. Wow, your grandmother looks great for 93. She should be proud to take a picture for you :)

  2. You grandmother looks fantastic!!
    And as a fellow hater of having my picture taken, I would be more than happy to give her a few tips:)

  3. I'm glad she had a good birthday. Our old lady in the family got so mad that she went away for her birthday. So i have no pictures, either!

  4. are the kids holding her down?

    my word verification is readwoo.

  5. and your grandmother is lovely. i have a 96 year old great-aunt. she wears platformy shoes with socks. she still cuts hair. she's still spry. it's amazing.
