Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Extra Hairy Kid

The pouring down rain stopped long enough for me to sweep the leaves off our front porch and into a pile.  While I was sweeping, Thing one and Thing two were throwing the ball for the dog and they wore her out.

I don't know about you but when I'm all worn out from running after a slimy tennis ball the VERY FIRST thing I want to do is flop down into a pile of wet leaves.

I think she's really a secret agent for the government and this is her camouflage.  I hope she is comfy cause she sure as hell is not coming back in the house for awhile!


  1. What is it with Dogs wanting to drop into the messiest thing they can find and then track it into the house?! great photos!

    thanks for the bloggy love and comment...

  2. Those pictures (and your doggy) are so great. We don't have fall here . . . just hot and hotter. Sometimes it gets cool . . . but then we all stay inside, LOL.

  3. She looks just like my dog...well, one of them anyway. Funny how that is that one golden retriever looks like another golden'd think somebody planned it that way...

  4. Yeah, that's what I always want to do too..

    Bring on the wet leaves! ha ha ha.

  5. She looks so cute but I know how wet and muddy she is! I bet you didn't let her come back in the house for awhile!
